
To be playful is not to be trivial or frivolous, or to act as if nothing of consequence will happen. On the contrary, when we are playful… everything that happens is of consequence… To be playful is to allow for possibility.

James P Carse

My approach is inherently systemic, blending experiential and embodied methods designed to activate the full potential of participants.

It seamlessly integrates a rich tapestry of diverse methodologies, including Constellation work, Sociometry, psychodynamic and dramatherapy concepts, positive psychology, insights from neuroscience, principles from the performing arts, and existential humanism.

Furthermore, I hold a deep appreciation for the profound contributions of philosophy, culture, art, music, and literature to our understanding of the human condition. These influences inform and enrich my work, infusing it with depth and perspective.

I apply these principles in practice, empowering individuals and organizations to not only envision but also realize new possibilities. Whether it’s cultivating exceptional leadership, honing effective communication, embracing authenticity, fostering innovative collaboration, or confidently navigating change – I believe that the answers lie within you. All that’s required is embarking on a playful journey to unearth them.

The creative philosopher


“It is a happy talent to know how to play.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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